Where I see patients (2)
Selected research
Real-world experiences of adult individuals or caregivers of children who received teplizumab treatment in stage 2 type 1 diabetes.
Diabetes, obesity & metabolism
Felix A. Conte, MD 1935-2024. The endocrinologist's endocrinologist.
Hormone research in paediatrics
Felix A. Conte, MD 1935-2024. The endocrinologist's endocrinologist.
Hormone research in paediatrics
Clinical trials
Type 1 Diabetes Extension Study
Evaluation of changes in beta cell function over time will be measured by mixed-meal tolerance test (MMTT) -Stimulated mean C-Peptide area under the curve (AUC). C-peptide is released by the pancreas into the bloodstream in equal...
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Soothing the soul
Our music therapy program nurtures patients with bedside serenades, rap workshops and more.
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