The experienced specialists in our Pediatric Dermatology program are up-to-date on the best care for infants, children and adolescents with all kinds of skin disorders, whether common or rare. They provide compassionate, advanced care for atopic dermatitis; psoriasis; inherited skin conditions, such as ectodermal dysplasias (in which skin and sometimes other body parts, such as hair or teeth, are abnormal); disorders of keratinization (such as ichthyosis, a category of conditions marked by scaly skin); congenital nevus (a mole that a baby is born with); and dysplastic melanocytic nevus (a pigmented, atypical-looking mole that appears sometime after birth), among many other conditions.
For babies and children with the red birthmarks called hemangiomas or other skin abnormalities involving blood vessels, we offer specialty care through our Birthmarks & Vascular Anomalies Center. Our experts treat birthmarks with laser therapy, when appropriate.
Awards & recognition
Ranked among the nation's best in 11 specialties
Support services
Smell the roses
Wander outside into our Butterfly Garden in Oakland and our healing gardens at Mission Bay.