I see it as an honor to lighten the load, even if ever so slightly, for families with hospitalized children.
Where I see patients (3)
Fetal surgery firsts
The first open fetal surgery in the world was performed at UCSF in the early 1980s.

Social worker
Child and family advocate, avid hiker and food lover
Anya Dubin is a social worker in the pediatric critical care units who assists families with navigating the hospital experience and connecting to resources. She also provides supportive counseling to families as they adjust to having a child in the hospital and helps them cope with the stress of parenting a critically ill child.
Dubin earned her master's degree at Columbia School of Social Work. She completed postgraduate training in the UCSF Department of Psychiatry's Infant-Parent Program.
Columbia School of Social Work, MSW, 2009
Fetal surgery firsts