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Fetal surgery firsts
The first open fetal surgery in the world was performed at UCSF in the early 1980s.

Pediatric hematologist-oncologist
Lover of bread and books
Asmin Tulpule is a specialist in caring for children with cancer and blood diseases, including sarcomas, cancerous tumors of the bone.
Tulpule runs a research laboratory that seeks to understand how cells repair damage to their genetic material (DNA) and identify specific weaknesses in how cancer cells perform this essential housekeeping process. The long-term goal of this research is to develop more targeted and effective therapies for pediatric cancer patients.
Tupele completed a doctorate in biological and biomedical Sciences at Harvard University, and he earned his medical degree at Harvard Medical School. At UCSF, he completed a residency in pediatrics and a fellowship in pediatric hematology and oncology.
Harvard University, PhD, Biological and Biomedical Sciences, 2008
Harvard Medical School, MD, 2011
UCSF, Pediatrics, 2013
UCSF, Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, 2016
Pediatric Hematology-Oncology, American Board of Pediatrics
Fetal surgery firsts