Many of our hospitalized patients can't be around other children, due to immunosuppression or monitoring equipment, but we strive to ensure that they have opportunities to engage in therapeutic, enjoyable activities that support their development. Hospitalized children and teens may schedule individual one-hour sessions in the hospital's activity rooms and schoolroom.


Certified teachers provide one-to-one instruction to school-age patients of all grade levels. If a schoolteacher isn't available, schoolroom volunteers engage patients in educational activities or parents can supervise studies. The one-on-one instruction takes place during periods when the room isn't being used for our school program classes.

Activity rooms

We provide multiple activity rooms where kids can relax and do kid stuff, including children's playrooms and teen lounges, and in San Francisco, Kaleidoscope Studios. These rooms are stocked with toys, board games, video games, books and craft materials. Patients can watch TV shows and movies, listen to music, and connect with friends online. Your child can sign up for one-hour blocks of time.

Rules and supervision

Please accompany your child to individual sessions in any of these spaces. When child life volunteers are available, they may help escort your child to and from the room and assist during the session. However, we encourage parents to stay with their children even if a volunteer is present. If no guardian is able to escort and supervise a child or teen, please inform us when you call, so we can try to schedule a volunteer.

At the end of a session, please put away any materials that were used. Any toys that an infant or toddler put in their mouth should be placed in the dirty toy bin. We appreciate sessions beginning and ending on time, so we can accommodate all our patients and families.

How to sign up

In San Francisco, you may sign up for individual time in the playroom, teen lounge or Kaleidoscope Studios by calling the playroom at extension 3-1221 from your child's room. Call (415) 353-1221 from outside the hospital.

To sign up for individual time in the schoolroom, please call between 10 a.m. and noon on a weekday, using extension 3-1310 from your child's room or (415) 353-1310 from outside the hospital. A schoolteacher will receive the request and check that a time and staff member is available.

In Oakland, you may sign up for time in either the playroom or schoolroom by contacting Child Life Services at (510) 428-3520.