UCSF's Pediatric Allergy and Immunology specialists care for babies, children and teens with problems related to the immune system. These conditions range widely from allergies that can cause life-threatening reactions to immunodeficiencies that can lead to chronic or unusual infections.
Young patients with immune function issues require expert assessment and treatment. Our pediatric immunologists are experienced in navigating the often-complicated diagnostic processes for these conditions as well as in selecting the most fitting and up-to-date therapies to manage immune disorders, so that kids not only stay safe but are able to live normal lives.
We're a designated center of excellence for immunology care in California and one of 125 centers in the country that receives funding from the Jeffrey Modell Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to patient care, education and research on primary immunodeficiency disorders. For our patients who need intravenous immune globulin therapy or other IV medications, we have an outpatient infusion center with a dedicated staff experienced in administering these treatments.
What's more, our center is experienced in diagnosing and caring for babies and children born with severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID). We're designated by the California Department of Public Health to screen newborns for SCID, and we're able to rapidly evaluate babies with abnormal test results.
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Awards & recognition
Ranked among the nation's best in 11 specialties
Soothing the soul
Our music therapy program nurtures patients with bedside serenades, rap workshops and more.
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